ProfilePic I'm Trent Walraven, and I'm a sophomore at Iowa State University majoring in Cyber Security Engineering planning on graduating in Spring of 2024. While I am still relatively new in the security field, I have come to love it. Related to my major, I am currently the social chair of the security club on campus the Information Assurance Student Group, and the Cyber Defense Competition held on campus with my team winning the Fall 2021 competition, granting us an invitation to the nationals' competition. Alongside those, I've begun to compete in Capture the Flag Competitions, and have started to write about how I've been solving the problems and putting them on this website. Both to help me better understand how something worked, and as way to show off some of the work that I am doing for anyone that wants to see. Some of the other non-security related things I'm involved include the Culinary Science Club, and the Quiz Bowl Club on campus. While I have taken some leadership roles in IASG already, some additional examples of previous leadership experience includes being elected as team captain for 2 years in my high school cross-country team, and throughout high school holding the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, and President of the Science Club.

CTF Write Ups by Trent Walraven

The prior CTFs I’ve worked on:


  • CYBE 230 - Introduction to Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Other non Cyber Security Related Activities

  • Emergency Management Honors Seminar - An honors seminar I am taking this semester, about preparing and responding to emergencies focusing on mass-casualty incidents where the resources available are far lower than what is needed to adequately treat everyone. This link is an article for the mock tornado that we recently has the ooppurinuty to participate in to test the knowledge we have gained.